Results in 2018

Publicētie raksti:

  1. Çelik, S., Stavicka, A. Odiņa, I. (2018). Are We Really Teaching English for Specific Purposes, or Basic English Skills? The Cases of Turkey and Latvia. // In: Curricular Issues in ESP // Key Issues in English for Specific Purposes in Higher Education / Eds.: Yasemin Kırkgöz, Kenan Dikilitaş (English Language Education; Vol. 11). Springer, 2018 P.243-264. ;  ISBN 9783319702131; ISSN 2213-6967.
  2. Stavicka. A., Odiņa, I., Srebnaja, J.(2018). Support Provision for the Integration of International Students in Host Institutions. // In: 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM Conference Proceedings,, ISBN 978-619-7408-56-0 / ISSN 2367-5659, August, 2018, Vol 5, Issue 3.4
  3. Stavicka. A., Odiņa, I., Sedova, A. (2018). Integration of International Students in Latvian Higher Education Institutions. // In: 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM Conference Proceedings,, ISBN 978-619-7408-56-0 / ISSN 2367-5659, August, 2018, Vol 5, Issue 3.4
  4. Margeviča, I., Odiņa, I. (2018). Teachers’ Concerns about the Implementation of Competence-based Approach in Education in Latvia. // In: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on lifelong learning and leadership for all. Politechnical University of Porto, Portugal.
  5. Mikelsone, I., Odina, I. (2018). How Novice Teachers of Different Education Backgrounds Perceive Their Professional Identity.// In: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on lifelong learning and leadership for all. Politechnical University of Porto, Portugal.
  6. Grigule, L. (2018). How to Choose, Use and Produce Bilingual Textbooks? Impact Strands and Support Strategies to Multilingual Education in the Post-Soviet Countries. The 4 Internatıonal Conference On Lıfelong Educatıon And Leadershıp for All. ICLEL 2018 / July 3-5, 2018/ Lower Silesia University Wroclaw-POLAND
  7. Grigule, L. (2018). Multilingual education experiments in post-Soviet space: the case of multilingual education in Ukraine. The 4 Internatıonal Conference On Lıfelong Educatıon And Leadershıp for All. ICLEL 2018 / July 3-5, 2018/ Lower Silesia University Wroclaw-POLAND
  8. Margeviča, I. (2018). Nacionālās enciklopēdijas sējuma „Latvija” šķirklis „Arodizglītība”. Rīga, LNB.
  9. Wunsch, L., Soares, A., & Margevica-Grinberga, I. (2018). Herramienta de inicio a la investigación: evaluación significativa en la Educación a distancia. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación, 77(1), 35-54. Recuperado a partir de
  10. McGinley, V., Margeviča-Grinberga, I. (2018). Assessment to Research-Based Intervention: Providing Families Support. McGinley, V.A., Melina, A. (red.) Parents and Families of Students with Special Needs. Collaborating Across the Age Span. SAGE, Thousand Oaks, California, 98.-137.lpp. Library of Congress Cataloging.
  11. Margeviča-Grinberga, I., Grinbergs, E. (2018). Formación de líderes agrarios en Letonia. Formación de líderes y directivos para el desarrollo sustentable de las Organizaciones e Instituciones. (Ed. A.Medina Rivilla, E.Pérez Navío). Madrid, UNED, Editorial Universitas, S.A., pp. 177-193.

Publicēšanai pieņemtie raksti:

  1. Mikelsone, I., Odiņa I. (2018). Goal Setting Skills in Teachers’ Professional Development. 4th International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All. University of Lower Silesia, Poland.
  2. Margeviča, I., Odiņa, I. (2018). Exploring Teachers’ Practices in Implementing Competence-oriented Teaching and Learning. 4th International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All. University of Lower Silesia, Poland.
  3. Bicjutko, T., Odiņa, I. (2018). Language Policy and Language Needs of Academic Personnel: the Case of the University of Latvia. 4th International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All. University of Lower Silesia, Poland.

Sagatavotie un iesniegtie projekti:

L.Grigule. Kirgizstānas Izglītības ministrijas un Āzijas Attīstības bankas Izglītības sektora attīstības projekts (SESS-DP: Strengthening Education System Sector-Development Project. Technical Assistance Grant: Nr. 0408-KGZ) INSET konsultante. 15.03.2018.-31.12.2019.; Tehniskais atbalsts Tadžikistānas Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijai. Izglītibas kvalitātes atbalsta programma I (QESP I)Vecākā eksperte. 8.10.2018.- 30.08.2020. Eiropas Drošības un sadarbības organizācija. Augstā komisāra minoritāšu jautājumos eksperta/konsultanta darbs Ukrainas Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas projekta “ Formation of multilingualism in children and pupils: progressive European idejas in the Ukrainian context.” izvērtēšana. 15.02. – 30.06.2018.

Citi sasniegumi:

  1. I.Odiņa. Recenzente: kolektīva zinātniska monogrāfija:Young People and Active Citizenship in Post-Soviet Times.
  2. Baiba Gaugere. (Izstrādāts kursa darbs saistība ar Erasmus+ projekts “Strong kids” (nr.579745-EPP-2016-1-TR-SPO-SSCP)
  3. Lelde Timošenko. (Izstrādāts kursa darbs saistībā ar Erasmus+ projekts “Strong kids” (nr.579745-EPP-2016-1-TR-SPO-SSCP)
  4. Rone S., Kodeikina M. Young citizen profiles in Baltic countries – Latvian Perspective file.
  5. Baiba Gaugere. Studentes piedalīšanās video materiālu un satat. apstr. 2018.gada 22.-23.marts Canakales Onsekiza Marta Universitāte, kongress. Uzstāšanās un piedalīšanās Canakales Onsekiza Marta Universitātē kongresā starptautiskā projekta 579745-EPP-1- 2016-TR-SPO-SSCP European Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency “Strong kids” ietvaros uzstājos kā LU koordinators.