UL academic development project “Support to academic staff mobility in the field of pedagogy”

LU reģistrācijas numurs: AAP2016/09

Pētījuma joma/ zinātnes nozare: Pedagoģija

Zinātnes nozaru bloks/studiju virziens: Pedagoģija

Izpildes termiņš: 01.05.2016–31.12.2016

Projekta vadītājs: Manuels Fernandezs

Piešķirtais finansējums: 3910 EUR


1. LU PPMF PZI trīs vadošie pētnieki (M.Fernandezs, I.Maslo un S.Surikova) un viens pētnieks (T.Pīgozne) piedalījās starptautiskajā konferencē ECER 2016 "Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers” (Dublina, Īrija, 2016. gada 23.26. augusts).

‒        novadītas trīs konferences sekcijas (I.Maslo – 2, M.Fernandezs - 1): 

1.       11 SES 04 A, Paper Session, Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: OB-E2.14, Chair: Irina Maslo.

2.       11 SES 06 B, Paper Session, Wednesday, 2016-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: OB-E0.32, Chair: Irina Maslo.

3.       11 SES 11 B, Paper Session, Thursday, 2016-08-25, 17:15-18:45, Room: OB-E0.32, Chair: Manuels Fernandezs. 

‒       sagatavoti un prezentēti četri referāti divu pētniecības tīklu ietvaros (2. tīkls “Vocational Education and Training (VETNET)” un 11. tīkls “Educational Improvement and Quality Assurance”, kā arī nopublicēti četri paplašinātie abstrakti konferences tiešsaistes platformā: 

1.     Fernandezs, Manuels; Gehtmane-Hofmane, Ilona (2016). Vocational education and training in Latvia. Online proposal of contribution No. 1425. ECER 2016 “Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers”, University College Dublin, Ireland, 22-26 August, 2016. Network No. 02. Vocational Education and Training (VETNET). Session: 02 SES 14 A, Diverse Perspectives on VET. Available online: http://www.eera-ecer.de/ecer-programmes/conference/21/contribution/38128/

2.      Maslo, Irina; Fernandez Gonzalez, Manuel Joaquin (2016). Can the Prescriptive Quality Predictors be used for Evaluation of e-Learning Quality? A Dilemma for Educational Improvement in Higher Education. Online proposal of contribution No. 2399. ECER 2016 “Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers”, University College Dublin, Ireland, 22-26 August, 2016. Network No. 11 Educational Improvement and Quality Assurance. Session: 11 SES 10 A. Available online: http://www.eera-ecer.de/ecer-programmes/conference/21/contribution/39033/

3.     Pigozne, Tamara; Surikova, Svetlana (2016). Promoting youth entrepreneurship and employability through non-formal and informal learning: A case of Latvia. Online proposal of contribution No. 890. ECER 2016 “Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers”, University College Dublin, Ireland, 22-26 August, 2016. Network No. 11 Educational Improvement and Quality Assurance. Session: 11 SES 09 B. Available online: http://www.eera-ecer.de/ecer-programmes/conference/21/contribution/37627/

4.      Fernandezs, Manuels; Gehtmane-Hofmane, Ilona (2016). Opinions of Institution Leaders about the Impact of Recent VET Reform on VET Attractiveness in Latvia. Online proposal of contribution No. 2364. ECER 2016 “Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers”, University College Dublin, Ireland, 22-26 August, 2016. Network No. 02. Vocational Education and Training (VETNET). Session: 02 SES 07 B, VET: Working Together. Available online: http://www.eera-ecer.de/ecer-programmes/conference/21/contribution/39003/  

‒        Sagatavots viens raksts publicēšanai žurnālos, kas ir indeksēti Web of Science un/vai Scopus datubāzēs:  

1.       Pigozne, Tamara; Surikova, Svetlana. Promoting youth entrepreneurship and employability through non-formal and informal learning: A case of Latvia. Pašlaik tiek apzinātas publicēšanās iespējas Scopus datubāzē indeksētajos žurnālos: “Journal of Psychological and Educational Research”, “Journal of Vocational Behavior”, “Children and Youth Services Review” u.c.

Otrais plānotais raksts ir tapšanas procesā: Maslo, Irina; Fernandez Gonzalez, Manuel Joaquin. Can the Prescriptive Quality Predictors be used for Evaluation of e-Learning Quality? A Dilemma for Educational Improvement in Higher Education. Ir plānots sagatavot to publicēšanai līdz 2017. gada 1. jūnijam 

2. LU PPMF PZI divi vadošie pētnieki (I.Maslo un S.Surikova) un viens pētnieks (LU doktorante I.Gehtmane-Hofmane) piedalījās starptautiskajā seminārā ASEM Forum on Lifelong Learning "21st Century Skills" (Kopenhāgena, Dānija, 2016. gada 3.-5. oktobris):

‒       piedalījās vairāku sekciju darbībā (Workshop A: Higher Education and Sustainable Development; Workshop B: Preparing Educators for the 21st Century; Workshop C: Assessment and Learning Cultures; Workshop D: National Strategies for Future Learning Success; Workshop E: Educational Challenges for E-learning; Workshop F: Core Competencies for an Unknown Future; Workshop G: Workplace as a Learning Space); 

‒       piedalījās ASEM LLL Hub trīs (RN2, RN3, RN4) pētniecības tīklu darba grupu sanāksmēs, lai apspriestu zinātniskās sadarbības plānus 2017.-2018.g., kā arī lai veicinātu darbu pie sadarbības projektu uzmetumiem un koppublikācijām.