In the frame of the interuniversity Master program “Educational Treatment of Diversity” (http://www.lu.lv/eng/istudents/degree/study/master-educationaltreatment/) run at the Scientific Institute of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia, this Friday 17th June from 17.00-19.30 an open lecture will be held at the Library of the University of Latvia (4 Kalpaka Boulevard, Riga LV-1050, conference hall, 2nd floor, see here map for location: http://www.biblioteka.lu.lv/eng/about-library/structure/kalpaka-blvd/)
Topic: Early Childhood Intervention programs and “Inclusion Training in Intellectual Disability for Educators in Europe (ITIDE)” project.
Lecturer: Dr. Víctor del Toro Alonso, professor at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid.
After a short introduction about the project Inclusion Training in Intellectual Disability for Educators in Europe (ITIDE, see http://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/research/research-areas/research-centres/centre-for-social-and-educational-research-across-the-life-course-serl/itide/), the focus of the lesson will be on Early Childhood Intervention programs, that is the topic of this module. The lector will guide us in the practical understanding of:
1. the basis for this type of intervention (with emphasis in Spain context he knows best);
2. presentation of how they work in the early intervention team with preschools and schools according to types of especial educational needs (with real case studies), in order to develop:
the plan for diversity;
classroom programming; and
adaptations curriculum;
3. Insight on how the intervention plan is developed.
The lecture will be in English. Free entrance.
More information: Manuels Fernandezs: +371 26253625. manuels.fernandezs@lu.lv