Visit-lecture and seminar "Rethinking work-based learning"
Prof. Irina Maslo
Visit-lecture and seminar by Prof. Karen Evans, University College London, Institute of Education, Lifelong and Comparative Education.
Professor Karen Evans is currently a coordinator of the ASEM Lifelong Learning Hub Research Network on Workplace Learning. She is Emeritus Professor of Education at the UCL Institute of Education, University of London and Honorary Professor in the Economic and Social Research Council LLAKES Centre for Learning and Life Chances. She is also Honorary Professor at RMIT University, Australia. She was previously Head of the School of Lifelong Education and International Development in the Institute of Education and subsequently research professor, working on research interests in life and work transitions, and learning in and through the workplace. She has directed major studies of learning and work in Great Britain and internationally. Her recent publications include the books Youth and Work Transitions in Changing Social Landscapes (2013), The Sage Handbook of Workplace Learning (2011); Improving Literacy at Work (2011); Learning, Work and Social Responsibility: Challenges for Lifelong Learning in Global Age (2009). She is a joint editor of the Second International Handbook of Lifelong Learning (2012) and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.
More information about the visiting professor at:; and seminar "Rethinking work-based learning"
16:00 - 18:00
Jūrmalas gatve 76, G13.
Connected to the seminar - individual consultations of the master theses, recommendations to critical readings and doctoral and master theses topics on work-based learning in framework of the Council of the Doctoral school regular activities (please contact Irina Maslo till the 4th of November 2016 via email: for preparing the consultation).
18:00 - 20:00
Jūrmalas gatve 76, G13.
The potential participants (Doctoral and Master students in natural, environment and social sciences, included educational sciences) have to contact the Doctoral school secretary Rita Birziņa via email:
Application form for PhD students
Application form for MA students
Supervisors of the Doctoral and Master theses are welcome together with the students !!!
Sponsored by the University of Latvia "Doctoral school development grant"